Saturday, March 20

Spider Bracelet!

Yay, I finally did it! :p
During my days back home I grabbed the fabric I bought last month (the thing is I had a party, and I had to wear something red, and I had this awesome black v top I wanted to wear sine qua non (...ok that was nerdy) so I saw this awesome fabric and bought about 30 cm without hesitating and made like a bandau and wore it under the top, that way I was wearing something red and keeping away unwanted people from my staring at my... "chest")
 So while I was following the bracelet instructions I found out I've never worked with a silky fabric before, it's wasn't as easy as I thought but I traced the patterns onto the fabric and cut them and then I realized I didn't buy the felt to make it more... uhm thicker? so I just used a regular fabric I had around, I didn't think it was important, I liked the result anyways. The hardest thing was when I had to sew, I guess it was because the lack of practice on both, the sewing machine and the kind of fabric, the thread didn't want to stay threaded lol, and I had to adjust the thread tension a lot, and then the needle broke, I felt stupid :p, but I didn't give up, I finally finished it.

Lo hice!!, por fin!, deje de dar vueltas con esto, cuando fui a casa lleve una tela que habia comprado que me encantó y al final del día, antes de volver me acordé que no me tenía que ir sin terminar, así que me acordé de las instrucciones, que son fáciles pero cuando me puse a hacerla no era tan así :p.
Nunca había cosido una tela de raso... o satén no me acuerdo que es pero es parecida, así que me dió un poco de trabajo y una aguja rota, que inutil!! pero la terminé al final.
I read somewhere that red is hard to photograph... that person is so right, but after a few shots I got it. Here is the bracelet with a beaded spider I made with the things I brought from home. I'm definetely NOT a spider person but, it looks cute.
 I had to sew a snap on the middle too, because the fabric is kinda, well it's silky so I didn't want to take risks losing my money around :p
Me olvidé de comprar el fieltro (venden eso acá? debe ser como el pañolenci) para darle cuerpo, le cosí una tela asi nomás, igual la tela como es de raso (o satén) se abre así que le cosí un broche a presión en el medio para que no se escape nada.


  1. Awersome! I like spiders. Maybe I'll "steal" this idea and test it on Arch Enemy's performance, cause I don't like to carry bags on such occasions.

  2. Haha, be my guest, I "stole" it too lol, I'd like to see how yours turns out, the tutorial is in Spanish but the girl made graphics so you will understand how it's made.
    Arch enemy, nice, I couldn't go to see them last year, I spent too much money on other gigs before that one. And yeah, it's a pain in the butt to carry bags there.


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