Sunday, September 13

WTF patterns!

I realized you can crochet, knit or make everything... I've found things that made me thought "wtf!" (not as a bad thing), people really run away their imagination, and that's just GREAT, and here are them:

· This is definetely the best example for me... I'm just... speechless. Toilet Paper!!
· A wedding cake to keep your china safe and clean of dust, I like this one but I don't where I would place it. 
· More sweetness... what about these cute desserts?
... and this one 
· Tofu pincushion... I wonder how it tastes (not the pincushion but the tofu)
· I'd love to make this one, but... the pattern costs $2... I'll manage, it doesn't look that hard.
· This is one of my fav, safety cones!! really adorable and original.
· Wasp nest... too bad the pattern is not available anymore.
· Guitars!! <3 love em, too bad the patterns are not free :/
·Bloody greenish monster fingers, that explains it all.
· Moustache pattern... so elegant.

· Tiny world in a cup, it'd be a nice bday or welcome souvenir, too bad it's not a free pattern, but it doesn't look difficult, I love miniatures, I'll give it a try someday.
· This cute money bags remind me of those bank robbers of the cartoons who wear them, although these ones are in fashion lol.


  1. Holly molly ! jaja (asi se dice)..
    Wow! realmente se puede hacer de todo, me encantaria hacer esas cosas con crochet,son de los mas cute!...
    ideales para todo tipo de ocasion y decoracion!
    You're a genius ! El que elijas estoy segura que te saldra just perfect! =D

  2. Si jajaja y tambien Holly cow! o holly crap.
    Si la verdad yo me quede sorprendida del ingenio, hasta vi por ahi un inodoro tejido :p. El rollo de papel es el mas cute.
    Jeje gracias girl, I'll try, same to you, I can't wait too see your stuff too!


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